Over time, the advancement of technology and globalization, having access to the internet and new markets has become increasingly common, and this has boosted the connection of people and companies around the world. Not only due to the democratization of the internet, but also due to the fluctuation of the dollar that we experienced since the 2000s, the economic sector suffered a gigantic boom, and Brazilian companies started to buy and sell abroad more easily.
Despite this facility, any product that we import and export has to go through customs clearance, where the documents related to the goods are analyzed to verify that they are in accordance with the legislation. At this stage, we can say that the cargo is in the process of customs clearance.
The customs clearance process is basically the completion and release of imported and / or exported goods, however, several procedures precede this step, such as documentary checking, meeting the requirements of the intervening bodies, as well as registration in the system called Siscomex (Integrated Foreign Trade System) and parameterization of the process.
To better understand the customs clearance process, continue reading this article. We will explain in more detail!
What documents are needed?
The necessary documents for the merchandise to be released are not many, however, it must be correctly discriminated what the product is, as well as documentation according to the legislation so that there is no obstacle at the time of clearance / customs clearance.
So, pay attention to the necessary paperwork. Below, we will list the indispensable documentation for the import procedure:
- Proforma invoice: it is a document issued by the exporter to the importer. In this document, the order for the quantity of goods is prepared, as a budget before making the official invoice / invoice. Documents are usually issued in English;
- Packing list or packing list: it is a list containing all the products that are being marketed in that shipment. It is with the packing list that the physical volumes, declared quantities and the dimensions of the volumes are confirmed;
- Bill of lading: it is a document that signals which company is transporting the cargo to the recipient. It is possible to say where the goods are leaving and their final destination in the country, as well as the freight value, date that was shipped among other factors such as delivery contract, receipt and proof of possession of the products are in one document;
- Import Licensing (LI): this license can be issued before shipment or after, having to follow a model according to the legal characteristics of the goods to be transported. This document is issued based on federal laws, by public agencies in accordance with their framework;
- Import Declaration (DI): the declaration is the document registered with Siscomex. It is what allows the importer to choose the modalities used in customs clearance. This document includes all the information of the process, whether commercial, tax or fiscal and allows analysis of the inspection for customs clearance;
- Certificate of origin: attests to the origin of the product being traded between the seller and the buyer in countries with which there are trade agreements. Its purpose is to authorize the reduction of the import tax or even its exemption. It is important to note that, for each import, a certificate of origin is required.
How does the merchandise release work?
In the import process, customs clearance is one of the last steps for the product to reach the final customer. In the export process, on the other hand, it takes place before the goods leave their destination abroad.
The clearance of goods through customs takes place at ports or airports. First, the registration is made in the process to be released, which can be a complex procedure according to the merchandise in question, depending on the quantity of items that must be analyzed before entry or exit.
It is through Siscomex that the customs clearance process begins, and immediately after registration, parameterization is carried out, in which it is determined how the inspector will analyze the import or export process, as well as whether there will be a need for additional documents to prove it. , and physical and / or documentary conference.
What exactly is parameterization?
Parameterization can be understood as the tax analysis of the Import Declaration (DI). This step consists of selecting one of the goods verification channels, known as parameterization channel.
This process takes place within Siscomex, and the channels are determined electronically at random, based on fiscal analysis and also on customs risk.
The importer's regularity, the frequency with which the importer imports goods, the origin, the volume and also the value of the import, the operational capacity of the importer and exporter, economic and financial situation, the origin of the goods and the analysis are taken into account occurrences in other processes carried out previously.
After this check, the goods can fall into one of these channels:
- green - automatic clearance takes place, so that, in this channel, documentary evaluation and merchandise verification are not required;
- yellow - the documentary examination by the IRS occurs. If no irregularities are found, the goods will pass without checking the cargo;
- red - presentation of the documentation is mandatory and the load is also checked;
- Grey - when the merchandise goes to the gray channel, it is retained for documentary and physical checking and the customs value is also examined. If fraud is found in the information declared, the charge may be held for up to 180 days for investigation.
Who can do the customs clearance process?
For the clearance to happen, it is necessary to hire a person or a qualified company in the area. This is because only they can have the registration with Siscomex, which is essential for the release of goods in the inspection agencies.
The professional responsible for these procedures is known as a customs broker and it is he who takes care of the entire operation, having extensive knowledge of tax, fiscal and customs legislation. He also acts as an intervener between import and export companies, customs and other parties.
Remember to check, however, if the professional is really qualified, because, only then, there will be an efficient job, with reduced cost and without headaches.
This professional usually works in customs advice or stewardess, who have a personalized job, such as Eficiência Comex, which is a company focused on foreign trade and which offers the service of customs clearance.
Was this article on the step-by-step of cargo in customs clearance process helpful? If you are looking for a company committed to its customers, get in touch to know the Eficiência Comex. We take care of your process in an uncomplicated way!